Honored To Be Endorsed by Our Nation's Heroes

U.S. Army
Specialist Four Dennis Adams
Sergeant Bob Allison (Ret.)
Major General Joe Arbuckle (Ret.)
Specialist Four Dan Brown
Staff Sergeant Bill Corsair McGroarty
Medal of Honor Recipient, Staff Sergeant Sammy L. Davis
Major Jason Everts
Specialist Four Jamie Farr
Staff Sergeant Jonathan Flora
Lt. Colonel Daniel Grundvig (Ret.)
Sergeant First Class Jason Hale
Lt. Colonel Laura Hefta
Specialist Four Mark Huston
1LT Mike Jambor
Specialist Four Greg Jordan
Sergeant Jackie Larkin
Private. Bob Loew
Staff Sergeant Gary Moore (Ret.)
Sergeant Kory Nelson (Ret.)
Colonel Thomas O'Keefe (Ret.)
Sergeant Johnny Olmedo
Staff Sergeant Kerry Quennette
Staff Sergeant Mark Traylor (Ret.)
Major General Paul Vallely (Ret.)
Captain Tim Walsh
Lt. Colonel and Former Congressman Allen West

U.S. Marine Corps
Commander Bryan Alverez
Captain, Honorable William A. Chatfield
Colonel JJ Dill (Ret.)
Captain Dale Dye (Ret.)
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Sean Fairburn (Ret.)
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Nick Parise (Ret.)
Captain Ron Tucker
U.S. Navy
CM Petty Officer 1st Class Andrew Grant
Lieutenant Steve McKenna
Master Chief Danny Moore (Ret.)
Commander Mike Peterson
Petty Officer Second Class Jon W. Roark

U.S. Air Force
Major General Jack Briggs (Ret.)
Captain Dana Evert
Lt. Colonel Max Gimelshteyn (Ret.)
Senior Airman Michael Hancock
Staff Sergeant Stephanie Hancock
Major General Emil Lassen (Ret.)Master Sergeant Greg Line
Sergeant Louise Marien
Senior Airman Robert Motyka
Captain Jim Palmershime (Ret.)
Colonel John Priecko (Ret.)
Airman First Class Sandy Quennette (USAF Air Guard)
Staff Sergeant Casper Stockham
Lt. Colonel Roy White (Ret.)

U.S. Coast Guard
Seaman RaeAnn Brown
Staff Officer Julia Dye
Paid for by Deborah Flora for Congress
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